This is the first part of the jerkin as I was sewing on the cord. I ended up using a disappearing ink marker to mark the scallops and lines. This worked fairly well except that i had to remark the other side after I finished sewing on the first half. The hand sewing of the cord didn't take as long as I was expecting so I'm happy to be finished with the main pieces this weekend.

This is the first side which I finished Saturday night. (sorry for the dark picture)

And this is the finished front of the doublet. I'm still debating on sewing cord down the outside of the buttons or not. I do plan on putting a collar on, cord around the seam between collar and neckline, and then the bottom skirt will have cord as well. I still need to cut out the bottom skirting, collar, and epilets. I should have this whole thing done by next weekend if I continue to work on it. :)
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